Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
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Sunday 25 July 2010

Team Leader Interviews and Application

Interviews for Team Leader role are to be held on the evenings of August 10th and 16th. I understand there are 6 applicants from Rotary Clubs in the District. Contacted Gordon Brown (President of Thornbury Rotary Club - my own Club) seeking his endorsement of my application. He was very positive - as were many from the Club with whom I have spoken about GSE. Did more reading around GSE from Rotary International, RIBI and Rotary District 1100 websites. Some useful info available but need to search quite hard to get to it. This reinforces my view that this blog could be a useful guide and source of information for GSE teams that follow. Completed application online, with a 'nothing-ventured' and 'get-my-name-on-the-board' attitude. I'm confident I have the skills and experience to successfully lead the team, but I fully recognise that I'm a comparative newcomer to Rotary (15 months) which could well go against me. Fingers and toes crossed for a receptive interview team :-)

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