Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Last Minute Requests and Queries

John emailed Suresh and nadira with the following last minute requests and queries:
Even at this late stage is it possible to consider including the following cultural opportunities without fundamentally changing activities already organised?
1) Enjoying the elephants at Navam Full Moon Poya Day celebrations on Feb 1st
2) Experiencing something of National Day celebrations on Feb 4th
3) Brief visit to Dambulla Rock Caves (perhaps on the way to Sigirya on Feb 14th)
4) Exploring the possibility of a full day excursion (with driver/guide) from Wariyapola to Anuradhapura on Feb 20th
5) Maha Sivarathri Day celebrations on Feb 23rd

Am I correct in thinking the following?

1) We can only buy currency inside Sri Lanka - at the Airport is as good a place as any to get some
2) We can get entry visas at the airport
3) We'll need plug adaptors from UK 3 square pin to Sri Lanka 3 round pin
4) It will probably be best for us to purchase International Phone Cards on our arrival
5) Credit/debit cards are generally accepted in most towns

Regarding the meetings/presentations with Rotary Clubs and the Conference:

1) We will need a data projector with remote controller for our presentations at each Club we visit. Also, some local technical support in case of emergency
2) Approximately how long should our presentation to Clubs and at Conference be? (We are currently working on a 25 minute presentation but can easily reduce this if necessary)
3) I anticipate we'll be developing 3 different presentations as the exchange progresses
     a) For Clubs we visit before the Conference (Presentation about our District and Ourselves)
     b) For Conference itself - knowing that some Clubs will already have met us (Very brief intro of our District and ourselves, and our first 2 weeks in Sri Lanka
     c) For Clubs we visit after the Conference - knowing that some Clubs will have met us at Conference (Brief intro of District and ourselves, Conference itself and our ongoing experiences/reflections in Sri Lanka)
How does that sound to you?
4) What do you think will be the expectation - if any - for exchanging Club banners?

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