Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Monday 31 January 2011

Full Steam Ahead

John blogs ...

Breakfast of papaya with lime followed by yoghurt, 2 cups of tea (no milk) and a cup of coffee starts the day off well. Into Team Uniform for the first visit – each of us going in different directions, John meeting HR Director of Education Department, Claire to ITN TV station, Emily to Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled, Kath to Rehabilitation Centre. Jenny sadly still unwell, particularly unfortunate as she was due to visit the Forestry Department – hopefully we can re-arrange for later in the exchange – something she was really looking forward to.

Ms Pushpa Wijesooriya
John collected by Vishwa and taken to Isurupaya to meet with Ms Pushpa Wijesooriya, the Director of HR in Education Department. Fascinating conversation covering school resources, staff recruitment and retention, staff development, qualifications, leadership development, post-tsunami regeneration. Primary schools student/teacher ratio is 19:1, and secondary schools is 17:1.

Mr Yaba, Principal Of Thurston College
Vishwa managed to arrange an additional visit for John to Thurston College for Boys, one of the better state schools in Colombo. Easy conversation with the Principal Mr Nihal Yaba. Shown around computer room(15 computers), newly levelled tennis court, into classrooms with many students seated in rows at desks. Heard ‘Sealed With A Kiss’ played on solo trumpet by one of the students – they appeared very reserved. An eye-opening tour. Thanks Wishva for organising it, and the Mr Yaba for being so welcoming and open about his school and the challenges he faces.

Then to Raja Bajan ‘Food For Kings’ restaurant for lunch – typical Sri Lankan cuisine, very tasty. Hoppers with egg, curried fish or chicken, veg. Good to stop and catch up with each other – albeit briefly. Jenny still unwell but in good hands as Shabbir’s mother-in-law is taking on nursing duties.

Heacy rain over the Dutch Museum, Pettah
After lunch toured the Fort and Pettah districts with David as our guide, with a particular focus on the early Dutch settlement in Columbo. Stopped off at the Dutch Museum as it began to rain … and rain … and rain … and thunder … and lightning … like you wouldn’t believe. In the streets the drains got blocked and water levels rose ion an instant. Great photo opps but brings everything to a standstill and some grumpy faces on the local traders. Eventually managed to crawl out of Pettah and had patties and juice at Hassan’s mother’s house. Very hospitable indeed – a lovely lady.

Back to Hans’ apartment to find his long-time friend Tomas with him for drinks …a bit of theme starting to emerge.

Our first Team Presentation to the Rotary Club of Uptown held at the Cinnamon Gardens was considered a success by all. Great fellowship and a good dinner rounded off an excellent first full day here. What will tomorrow bring?

John's first presentation

Dr Imthiaz Ismael, D3220 District Governor

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