Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Team Meeting 5 Actions

Kath blogs the actions from our Team Meeting 5 ...

Present: Garth, Jill, John, Emily, Claire, Jenny, Kath.

Our First Team Photo
The meeting mainly covered:
 Feedback on the draft GSE itinerary
 Presentation of Foundation Ulumni badges and individual/team photos
 Individual team members presentations
The following actions were agreed:

1. Garth agreed to contact Suresh to feedback on the itinerary and specifically ask for more individual based vocational visits including journalism for Claire and drug treatment/crime reduction opportunities for Kath. Further details on accommodation and travel arrangements are also required.

2. Emily is going to speak to her nurse and will let the team know which further vaccinations are needed based on the itinerary that includes travelling to Trincomalee

3. Jill to provide John with the details of ‘Focus on the Crocus’ outcomes to feed into presentation.

4. All to take on board the feedback received on each presentation and work on reducing each element to 4 minutes for a full run through at the meeting on 18th January.

5. Claire will send John the individual/team photos in high resolution.

6. John will work directly with Emily and Andy (thanks!) to sign off the team leaflet and business cards.

7. Team members will provide suitable gifts for host families.

8. Further discussion after the meeting – it was suggested we should review whether we need a Facebook group and how we intend to use it as this is not clear to some team members. For discussion when we next meet.

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