Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday 8 February 2011

John Goes Shopping!

With Mr Leonard, Principal Greenhill International School, Kandy
John blogs ...

Met Sugath, Manager of Randolee Resorts Hotel in Kandy, who had generously taken the day off to escort me. Had a great day, thanks Sugath.

First stop,Greenhill International School to meet the Principal Mr Leonard – we got on like a house on fire, exchanging educational philosophy and practice – activity-based learning, group working, counselling, broad curriculum. A warm handshake and photo to end.
A drive around the lake to park at the far entrance of the Temple of the Tooth.

Temple of the Tooth, Kandy
Macaque monkeys grooming each other chased by scraggy looking dogs. A beautiful temple well worth a visit. Didn’t take in Museum as not enough time but that’s been highly recommended too.

Sogath and Asoka at the outdoor drama amphitheatre
Traffic was very heavy so had to cancel visit to a girls school and went directly to the University of Peradiniya ‘the best University in Sri Lanka’ according to my guide Dr Asoka Dangolla who gave an enthusiastic and informative tour of ‘secret parts of the University.’ Spent time at the beautiful outdoor theatre, inside the sports facilities which appeared rather underused. It sounds as if sports and exercise are not very popular with the Sri Lankan students. Perhaps it needs to start with an increased focus for all children on sport in schools.

Exceptional views from the Randholee Resorts Hotel
Then slowly along winding pot-holed roads to Randholee Resorts Hotel for leisurely four-course lunch with wine. Life’s tough sometimes. What an amazing view ‘the best in Kandy’ with infinity pool and mountains fading into the background. Treated like royalty and given a tour of the rooms which were beautiful. Recommend this hotel to anyone visiting the area – about 20 minutes drive out of Kandy centre.

Candles inside Lord Ganesh Hindu Temple
Several hours later, Sashi – Ayesha’s secretary – took me out shopping for cheap designer T-shirts. With colours that were bleeding and thin fabric I decided not to purchase. Su would have been proud of me. So then went to buy short-sleeved business shirts as the humidity is too much for me when wearing long sleeves. Sashi then acted as guide to visit Lord Ganesh Hindu temple and she offered prayers whilst I took photos. Very spiritual and peaceful. Thanks Sashi.

Returned to Ayesha and Ravana’s lovely home for freshen up, email (wireless dongle kept dropping out – so very frustrating) and enjoying conversation with the whole family. Ravana showed me his mother’s paintings – really lovely, and his photographic wall of their family tree with many high status connections. A couple of whiskies later I had a very light meal of soup and a slice of toast. Hope I didn’t offend Ayesha who is very generous host who likes to offer me more and more food.

Chatted about the desperate need of schoolchildren in remote areas which have been forgotten after the recent floods. Many schools don’t have a roof which would cost 165,000 Rupees – a mere £1000 for a school roof! A real opportunity to help where it is sorely needed.

Early to bed as an early start tomorrow to tea country (Newera Eliya)

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