Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Monday 7 February 2011

Making Elephant-Pooh Paper

John blogs ...

An attention-grabbing title!

At Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage
GSE Team smiling through the rain at Pinnewela
John with Nevile, President of Kegalle Club
Met at Lanka Hands for 7.00 to travel in minibus to Kandy via Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage. Minibus broke down twice – thought we might be pushing – had a refreshment break then arrived at Pinnawela in heavy rain. Met Nevile, President of Kegalle Rotary Club, umbrellas were purchased and we made our way to see the elephants – 85 of them – bathing in the river. Lots of splashing around with a few babies doing what baby elephants do i.e charming the pants off everyone. Plenty of photos, then visit to herbal medicine garden, a quick stop for a drink, then to bottle-feeding the elephants and seeing how paper is made from elephant pooh(!) Tipped the guide an amount we’d been advised but despite his protestations of ‘not enough’ we held firm. Team members were delighted and say they have had a brilliant day. Lunch in a beautifully-located restaurant with plenty of photos and interesting conversation with local Rotarians who shared their beliefs and customs around family, marriage and children. I had Chicken Maryland (boring but reasonably tasty), others had Club Sandwich and fries. On to Kandy up winding roads with mountain views and tropical scenery. A pleasant change from built-up Colombo.

Arrived at Queens Hotel at 5.00 and transferred to host homes. John viewed Ayesha’s photos of terrible conditions in the immediate aftermath of the war in the north when she, her husband Ravana, and their daughter Anouk took books and uniforms to war-torn schools near Jaffna in the north. How lucky we are in the West! Reached their home – very beautiful, designed by Ravana and exquisite enough to go into Homes and Gardens magazine – around 7.30, quick change, and whisky and soda followed by stimulating and enlightening discussion with Ravana whose father was secretary to Mrs Bandanaike (Sri Lanka’s first female Prime Minister) from 1960. Light ‘Western’ meal of chicken, cole slaw, roast veg, whilst chatting about how to get set up on eBay – a different level of conversation than earlier in the evening!

Thanks Ayesha, Ravana and Anouk for welcoming me into your home.

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