Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
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Thursday 11 November 2010

Facebook Page and a list of our social media explained

Jenny again...

I have now set up a facebook page (last thing I promise!)

The page is open to anyone to view and 'like' - the more 'like's' we get the better! This is a quick page to update, link to, upload photo's to (you don't mind anyone seeing!)

So to sum up, in terms of social media we now have:

* This Blog - Anyone can see. The team have permissions to blog. Use as our online diary and holds the main bulk of the information about the project, and all the things we could want and need.

* Facebook Group - The team are all 'Administrators' and to allow people to see content we have to confirm them and add them to the group. This is a closed group and other people that have facebook have to become members to see the group.

* Facebook Page - Open for anyone to see. People 'like' the page and follow it. Features include a 'wall' for us and anyone to post on, and a discussion board. There is also a whole section for links, videos and photos. This will be useful for friends, family and followers of the project to see what we are up to, and get info quickly!

* Twitter - Instant updates of what we are doing / thinking / feeling! We can also 'follow' others that are of interest to the project and learn from them.

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