Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Minutes from Team Meeting 3

John blogs our minutes:

District Conference at Warwick Conference Centre (near Coventry) for the period April 8th – 10th 2011. Details on D1100 website. ‘Posh’ photos received – thanks - and John will forward to District Conference Team for their brochure.

Clothing/Uniform - thanks to District for uniform allowance. We agreed that if team member is eventually unable to undertake the exchange, this allowance will be passed on to the reserve. Shopping trip for uniform organised ‘by the women for the women’ on December 15th, 6.30pm at The Mall. John will source quotes for printed t-shirts and embroidered polo shirts. Logo will be the Rotary Roundel with Rotary D1100 on the top and Sri Lanka 2011 underneath. Casual clothing will also have individual member names under the logo itself. Fruit of the Loom clothing was suggested.

Travel and Other Documentation - all team members to send John photocopy/scan of their photo passport page containing details of passport number, passport office, valid dates etc before the end of November as needed for booking flights.
• Vaccinations – Emily will keep us informed, subject to itinerary which we hope to receive early December

Claire distributed copies of common Sri Lankan phrases – we’ll work on these over time, including inviting Sri Lankan Rotarian to one of our meetings (probably January).

Blog/Twitter/Facebook/IT - agreed to make own arrangements for purchasing International phone cards in Sri lanka
Everyone to add their original ‘statement of intent’ to their biog page in the blog
Extensive discussion and demonstration about Twitter/Facebook. Play! to find out more. John is still confused but giving it a go. Jenny suggested team download ‘Dropbox’ software to store photos online. N.B. blog website already defaults to upload photos to Picasa web albums.

Business Cards and Banners - John to explore any budget for printing business cards/small leaflets describing D1100 and the team. Also whether District and own club wish to have banners to exchange.

Team and Individual Goals - discussed and agreed we would add them to this blog (see 17th Nov entry). Noted that some personal goals were as yet unformed but would emerge as the exchange progressed. Also, that some goals could be made public whilst others will remain private or kept within the team.

Itinerary Requests - John to email Suresh and Nadira with specific vocation requests from the team as follows: Emily would like to visit/meet with Occupational Therapists in the Mental Health Team (preferably) or the Physical Health team. Jenny would like to meet with District Forestry Officer(s) in the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Environment.

Team Building Activities - Kath will bring along some ‘scenarios’ to react to for the next session. All members are asked to bring along Their Favourite Thing(s) to talk about. (JM note – Claire, you can bring your iPhone if you like!). Everyone to bring an idea to the next meeting for a ‘physical’ team-building activity – e.g. go-cart racing, skittles, Go Ape! With contact details and prices.

Team Presentations - Three presentations/research projects to be developed over the next few sessions
1) Researching aspects of Sri Lanka
2) The Team’s Presentation to Clubs and Conference
3) Researching Individual Vocation in Sri Lanka
Agreed that we would each research the following topics and prepare a 5 minute ppt presentation for item 1 as follows:
  • Emily – History of Sri Lanka
  • Claire – The peoples of Sri Lanka
  • Kath – Lifestyles and Cultures of Sri Lanka
  • John – Sri Lankan Economy and Politics
  • Jenny – Sri Lankan Climate and Environment
  • Richard – Sri Lankan Religions and Festivals
N.B. the ‘links’ page on our blog is for us to make a note of very useful webpages.

For presentation 2, John agreed to email his interview presentation to the team as a starter for a possible structure e.g. features of District 1100, activities of Rotary Clubs in District 1100, introduce self and then handing over to each team member, followed by wrap-up. Agreed that each of us would prepare a 5 minute ppt presentation about ourselves. Some suggestions:
1) could be based on original interview presentation
2) should include personal and work/vocational aspects
3) possibly ‘A day/week in the life of …’
4) be creative, go out on a limb, try and be remembered

Dates for forthcoming meetings/activities included

  • Team Meeting 4
  • Team Uniform Shopping
  • Team Meeting 5
  • Team Meeting 6
  • Team Meal (with partners)

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