Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

First Impressions

Having arrived after what felt like a long 11 hour flight we couldn't have been given a warmer welcome. A big thanks to the Colombo Uptown hosts of district 3220 who have made us very welcome and got us fixed up with SIM cards, cash and a much needed ice cold beer. The team split up as we were taken to our host families, Clarence and Surangene greeted me with huge smiles and took for me for a lovely (& spicy!) meal at the stunning Cinnamon Grand hotel. Our first day kicked off with some vocational visits, I spent a fascinating morning at the Angoda Institute of Mental Health in Colombo and after a tour of Colombo and afternoon tea we gave our first team presentation at district 3220's meeting. The feedback was very positive so thankfully our preperation paid off.
My first impressions are all positive, the people we have met so far are have been incredibly warm and friendly - my face is already achiving from smililing so much!  Any nerves I had have completely gone and I'm looking forward to the rest of the trip.
I'm off to visit the British High Commissioner today and then to the Police Narcotics Bureau. Fingers crossed Jenny is feeling better :) Best wsihes to all x

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