Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Saturday 9 October 2010

Final Prep for Team Member Interviews

John blogs ...

Shortlisted to 9 applicants - Garth and I agree it's a strong field which is very pleasing.
Jill (District 1100 Foundation Chair) and Martin (District Governor Elect) have been in email contact with suggestions and say they're looking forward to busy day. Too true - it's going to be pretty full-on for the selection panel!
Venue and refreshments organised, questions sorted and allocated to panel who also have a criteria and recording sheet.
Programme starts at 11.00 with welcome and refreshments
11.15 Introduction to the GSE programme with D1100 and D3220
11.30 Introduction to RI and Foundation
11.45 Input from previous GSE team member - what life was like on a GSE exchange
12.00 Introduction to myself as team leader, Sri Lanka, team building expectations
12.15 Taking questions from the floor
12.30 Light lunch
1.20 Formal interviews lasting 20 minutes each to include 5 minute presentation entitled 'Why I would make an excellent team member for GSE to Sri Lanka'.

We're hoping that the morning's presentations will help set the context of the GSE and allow questions to be answered in a more informal environment than in the afternoon's formal interview situation. We'll see.

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