Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Nice To Make Your Acquintance

John blogs ...

Received contact from Nadira Adamaly who is assisting Dr Suresh with this exchange, who sent this email with answers to our earlier questions:

Nice to make your acquaintance ... In addition to what Dr Suresh has advised you, you would need suntan/sunscreen lotion and mosquito repellant. The sun and mosquitoes here love the white unventured skin!

Since the places to visit are many and quite scattered, we need to confirm with hosting clubs about stay and program of activities, which will be finalised only by second - third week of December. We would then be able to mail same to you. Internet access is very easy within Colombo but may not be very possible in some areas like Sigiriya and Pollanaruwa depending on how interior you are located. Also, Multimedia projectors can be arranged at every meeting for your presentations and if you confirm you need that for every presentation, we will ensure that each hosting club arranges one when you visit their meetings to make presentations. Please note that your Conference presentation will vary slightly from your general one as the host clubs who have met you before the Conference would have already seen your presentation. You would need to include some of your experiences in Sri Lanka up to the Conference. Just so you are prepared for this ... We advise you not to travel too heavy as there is plenty of shopping to do here and lots of tokens you would be carrying back. Anything else you need to know, just ask.

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