Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Friday 22 October 2010

Claire's First Blog

When I was asked by my editor if I would consider applying to take part in the Rotary Club's GSE programme in Sri Lanka I jumped at the chance - even before I was able to find out more details about it because it just seemed like an opportunity that could not be missed.
So, following on from a successful interview with Worcester Rotary Club I then went onto another interview in Gloucestershire where I then had to give my first ever (and now seemingly first of many) power point presentations to the interview panel, finding myself where I am today - preparing to go on a trip of a lifetime.

How our group was picked I will never know as everyone at the initial interview just seemed so driven and focused, so I think the whole team feel very honoured to be where we are and also very greatful to be given such an incredible opporunity.

Initial thoughts on the trip are that we have a lot to organise, a lot of jabs, a lot of getting to know each other but above all an experience that we all know is unique and we will never forget.

For my personal experience, I have a few goals that I want to achieve, both with my work and personal life. For work, I want to be able to document the trip using stories that I will try my best to send back to the newspaper that I work at as frequently as possible. This will range from how we are getting on, the offices and places I visit and also on the Rotary clubs in the country. This way everyone will be able to keep track of our progress and adventure. We also will do this through Facebook, Twitter and blogs. But I also want to document it using my photography and videography skills, which is a very exciting prospect for me.

I would like to try and visit some newspaper and media outlets in the county, visit areas that were affected by the Tsunami and also schools and find out more about the education system in Sri Lanka. I think this will not only be very interesting but also help me get perpective on my work and life in the UK, and also hopefully make some great friends and links along the way.

Personally there are a few other things I want to achieve. I have travelled in the past, but mainly on my own or partners. So to do this with a group will be a new experience but one I am sure I will cherish and enjoy. I am sure too that by us preparing and presenting ourselves to each of the Rotary Groups will at first be a challenge, as I am not that used to public speaking - more however of listening and taking notes - so this will be another mini goal to achieve.

So much to think about and organise but the prospect of what lies ahead for myself and the group - who already I think we are all bonding very well together - is so exciting.

So.... that was my first blog. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please follow us Twitter and Facebook and keep logging into this blog to find out what we are all doing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a fab time, can't wait to see your pics on your return. Roni
