Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Team Meeting 1 Actions

I must say that it is quite difficult knowing how and what to write on this blog ... something I hope will become a lot easier as time goes by!

Firstly, I would like to say how nice it was to meet everyone in a non-formal way on Monday evening, I had a really good time getting to know everyone a little bit better. John and Su made us all feel very welcome in their lovely home and there were quite a few laughs during the two and a half hours.

I was the scribe for the meeting and I hope I was able to capture all the discussions we had as there was a lot to talk about! I have e-mailed the minutes to the team and will also add them onto this blog too for others to see what we discussed.

I'm looking forward to the next meeting so that we can talk more about plans and what the future will bring!! :)


Minutes from the team meeting (first one!) 18/10/10

  1. Introductions – we all introduced ourselves and were very happy to be together to discuss what is ahead of us!!
  2. Discussion around rules - which we agreed we would add along the way. We decided that the main rules would be to communicate with each other, help each other and to be respectful and honest – especially if having an ‘off’ day.
  3. Discussion around the selection process. Becky and Clare stated that they had interviews in Worcester before hand and thought it would have been helpful to have a little bit more information on 1) What it is all about 2) How many spaces were available 3) The process.
  4. John said that he thought it was a good idea to meet up with other sponsoring clubs if we hadn’t already done so. Clare said that she had done this today J
  5. Picking the team – John talked about the selection process and said how difficult It was to choose the members, however said he thought the panel had chosen well and is happy to have us all on board.
  6. Feedback – Members were hoping to receive feedback from the interview and John stated that it was good to feedback and reflect on ourselves and how we felt about how we did.
  7. There was a discussion around Blogs and John asked everybody to write a Blog in order to get used to it and get our site up and running. All members agreed they would give this a go!
  8. Discussion around getting insurance and medical certificates for the end of November – John stating that we all need to start the ball rolling on these.
  9. John introduced the Storming, Norming, Forming, and Performing model which has been based on and established through teamwork. The Storming will be how are going to work together and get through to the Norming. The Norming will involve understanding and respecting each other - which will be the Forming of the group. The Norming will then hopefully lead to Performing. Performing is key – and we don’t have much time!!
  10. We then had a discussion around Facebook, Twitter and other networking sights. Jenny said she thought it would be good to set up a Facebook page together and Clare thinks Twitter would be a good site – there was limited knowledge around Twitter so we need to explore this option. Emily and Jenny said that the D1100 page may be in need of some TLC to make it more attractive to viewers, therefore Emily and Becky said they would try and persuade their other halves to help out!!
  11. Presentations. We all did our interview presentations in front of each other ... all were great and very different!
  12. After the presentations we had run out of time. Therefore a few action points were agreed.
    1. For all to Blog and share.
    2. Visit local Rotary clubs
    3. To all write up personal statements and share on our page – no more than 150 words.
    4. Emily to write up the minutes within 4 days.
    5. Emily and Becky to think about updating the website
    6. Clare to think about how we can publicise our trip and the Rotary.

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