Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Monday 11 October 2010

Team Member Interview Questions

I hope this doesn't bring back too many bad memories for our candidates, but for the record, here are our team member interview questions and criteria/what we were looking for. Variations on the questions were encouraged as long as remaining in the same territory, as was the opportunity to ask secondary questions if more information was needed from the candidate.

How did you feel your presentation went? Is there anything you’d do differently next time?
• Engagement with audience
• Clear structure
• Vocal clarity/variation
• Effective use of resources

What do you understand of the time and financial commitments that GSE requires? (Clarification should be provided). On the basis of what you know, can we take it that you, your employers and your family understand the demands of GSE, and are prepared to accept these if you are selected?
• Done their research?
• Aware and reflective of GSE demands

What do you think you will gain personally, for your employer, and the community at large?

• Reflective of possible impact of GSE experience
• Preparedness to share experience/learning upon their return

What is your knowledge of Rotary in your sponsor Club, District 1100 and World-wide?
• Have they engaged with their local club already?
• Any plans to engage?
• Awareness of what Rotary is and does

What would you expect to be doing each day during the GSE visit?
• This is not a holiday
• Representing District and DG
• Possible long hours, plenty of travelling
• Have they done their research?

How would you cope with accommodation or travel arrangements which may be of a lower standard than you might be expecting?
• Resilience
• Flexibility
• Dealing with the unexpected

What experience do you have of working as part of a team and with other people from different professions?
• Understanding of effective teamwork/leadership
• Working together to the greater benefit of the team
• Moving in and out of leadership, creating space for others to achieve
• Approaches to conflict resolution, if appropriate

Is there anything else you wish to say or any questions you have for us?

(n.b. I'm pleased to note that many candidates said that the morning session had answered many of their questions)

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