Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Technology comes stalking upon the (near) youth of today ...

Despite being the youngest of the team-members (only just and without giving any ages of any team members away ...), the modern social network trends have passed me by. In fact that is wrong, they haven't passed me by - instead I have steadfastly refused to join the world of Facebook and associated mediums. Somehow it has been something that I haven't wanted to join for reasons I never have been able cleary explain, possibly it could be that I work on and with computers on a daily basis (I know everbody does nowadays, but I need some sort of defence!). However, what is evident so far is that this trip will be planned and recorded via the internet - so through the help of/utter dependance on my teamates I am going to have become far more techno-literate.

So by visiting a country where only 3.7% of the populous are regular web users compared to 66% of the UK populous (according to the CIA at least) I may become a great online presence, time will tell.

That is my blogging door opened, a fraction at least, next up Facebook, then Twitter, then message boards, then who knows?



  1. Congrats on your first blog. John

  2. Gareth awaits you on Facebook...he wants to eat your brain - or something like that according to one of the many strange apps that will no doubt bring you out in a cold sweat Mr foley...good luck.
