Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Getting To Know You

John blogs ...

A promising first meeting of the team which bodes well for the future. Thanks to everyone for their positive contributions last evening. Emily agreed to scribe and email notes by Friday, there was much excitement around revising/adding to this website which is all about continuous improvement - great! The group shared their interview presentation as an introduction to each other.

We've agreed that the programme of 5x2 hour plus 1x1 hour wrap up series of team Building sessions will work but we'll have to review as we go along. Of course, its success depends on each member pulling their weight, achieving their individual goals, and contributing to team outcomes.

I've sent a group email with some immediate actions on my part following on from last night ...
1) Revised the blog so that we each have an individual page for our biog and photos,
and asked that they complete their page, keeping the description to less than 150 words, making it engaging for the reader/host Rotary families.
2) Sent contact database for updating our details
3) I attached a revised GSE Team Sessions programme to guide us and asked for the team to reflect on whether it meets our needs
4) I attached the latest F&CO advice for travelling in Sri Lanka
5) Recommended vaccinations list for visiting Sri Lanka
6) Observe how the Forming/Storming/Norming/Performing model operates in real life
7) Confirming our next meeting in November 1st at 7.00pm at my home

I'm looking forward to seeing progress with revisions/additions to our website and to exploring the possibilities of Facebook/Twitter. I really do want to know what value they add - if these youngsters can't convince me then there's no hope - I'll be lost forever.

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