Rotary District 1100's Website for Group Study Exchange to Sri Lanka - January 29th to February 26th, 2011
Sri Lanka Time: UK Time:

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Jenny's First Blog

Jenny writes ...

My first blog on this amazing adventure, I can’t quite believe it is happening; well done to everyone who got a place! I first found out about the project through a friend of my mum who is a Rotarian in Dorset. He thought of me for the project as he knew I had very much enjoyed studying Geography at university, and love travelling and languages. The first thing I thought when I heard about the exchange was ‘This is an incredible opportunity, and has come at such a great time for me’. I work for English Heritage and have my heart set on building a career with the organisation, and this could be the big break that I have been waiting for to show my dedication, enthusiasm and gain much that coveted first real ‘practical experience’ in my chosen field; conservation and land management.

The selection process was well thought out, there were forms to fill in and a short essay to write, although I did not feel like this was too much to expect from us as potential team members. The all day interview was a great idea, as it gave us all a chance to meet the people involved from Rotary, and prospective team members. As Emily said the atmosphere was rather tense as we waited for our individual interviews, but this was just a sign of how much we all wanted a place! I think my interview went well, although giving the presentation was nerve-wracking as I did not really know what John, Jill, Garth and Martin were looking for, but I had been practising all week and gave it my best shot and tried to enjoy it through the nerves.
I was completely shocked to get a call from John on Sunday evening to say I had made the team; the competition was so fierce; everyone at interview was fantastic, and as I sat on the train making my way home at the end of the day I couldn’t let myself believe I might actually be in with a chance. John left me a voicemail to say that I had been invited to join the team, and I called him back straight away, I just had to check it was true; I was so overjoyed I was in disbelief! The rest of my evening was lost as I spent it on the phone to my family, telling them all about the day and what was to come. I have never travelled outside Europe, apart from a trip to Florida when I was 16, so this will be a totally new challenge, and I can’t wait!

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